Assistance programs are offered by many gas, electric, water, and phone companies. If you feel you may have difficulty paying your monthly bills, contact the company before your balance becomes too large. Companies are more amenable to working out a payment plan with those willing to work with them.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Helps assist low-income families with home heating and cooling costs. To inquire about assistance from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, locate the county in which you live and contact the local agency at the telephone number listed. Applications are only available by contacting the local providers listed below.
There are many special events in life that give us reason to celebrate: birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, a team win…or even reaching a long sought-after milestone. Instead of sending flowers or a gift, consider celebrating something or someone by making a donation to Florida Cancer Specialists Foundation! Your gift will help a cancer patient with household bills so they can concentrate on something really worth celebrating – getting better. What a powerful way to celebrate something, or someone, very important to you!
You could double or triple your annual gift to Florida Cancer Specialists Foundation if you or your spouse works for or has retired from a company with a matching gift program. Complete a matching gift form from your human resources office and send it in with your gift.
One touching way to show support is through giving in honor or memory of a loved one. If you’ve lost someone to cancer or want to honor someone currently engaged in their brave fight, a contribution in their name can be a powerful way to recognize their journey in a meaningful way. Your donations can represent personal messages of love, support, and resilience, and will directly help those currently navigating the ups and downs of their own cancer journeys.
Your generous donations make a real difference, and we’ve made it even easier to support our cause with our monthly recurring giving program. Consistent financial support allows us to plan better and provide uninterrupted assistance to those we serve. Your sustained commitment can help a vulnerable individual in the most crucial time of their life. Remember, even small donations can make a massive impact!
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